Saturday, July 19, 2014

Heat Rash

Seriously! I hate heat rashes and I get them all the time now. I have one between my legs right now and not in some embarrassing private place. Just above both of my knees. I wore shorts the other day; instead of capris. That part of my legs should not be rubbing together. That is so not good. On the plus side, I make a really good diaper balm that also works well for heat rashes.

I have just completed week two of the Couch to 5K training program though. Tonight was really tough, I just wanted to pass out on the sidewalk! But I pushed through and I finished my run. I'm up to 2.25 miles.

I also decided that I should sign up for Diet Bet again. I like the fact that you lose a percentage of your body weight and it really isn't a contest against everyone. You are up against yourself because everyone that reaches their goal wins. I did it before and I like it and the community was fun and motivating. I signed up for The Transformer, so I have 6 months to lose 10%. There are a lot of rules and stipulations to keep it healthy and try to prevent crazy diets or radical moves, which I also like (my parents got really into the Atkins craze and it wasn't good for them).

I'm trying to get more people involved in my process this time. In the past, I've kept it a secret. This was for many reasons.
  1. If I failed, nobody had to know I tried. (LAME!!!)
  2. Nobody really knew that my weight was an issue; it was just my little secret. (???)
  3. I didn't need anyone to know how hard it was for me to control my eating and my weight. When I magically lost a lot, they would just think it was easy and I was amazing. (RIGHT?)
  4. I was more than a little embarrassed that I had a weight issue.
This time, I'm using my blog to share to anyone that feels like reading it. I am part of a Facebook group and using Diet Bet. I want as much motivation as I can get from outside sources.

Tomorrow is my weigh-in and measurement day...