Monday, May 24, 2010

Investing in Myself!

Since I lost my job, I've been trying to figure out what to do. I have my small company, but it pays for itself and just a little bit more that allows me to save some extra money each month. There really aren't many teaching positions open and really who would want to hire someone that is going to need to take time off of work a month after school starts. I looked into getting a part-time job over the summer to save some extra money and all those things.

Here is what I decided to do: Invest In Myself. I can grow my company, I'm just going to have to invest more time, more effort, and more money. I applied for a local farmer's market and I got an investor (thank you Cory) to cover the fee for the entire season June-Oct (scary commitment). I then wrote out a plan for the products I already have and what I would like to have at my first show (I made this a reasonable goal because I still can't please everyone). I did the naughty thing and placed several large (for me anyway) orders and put those on the credit card. BUT, I already have my plan. I have the ingredients, packaging, labeling and everything figured out, along with my cost, the selling price, and my profit. I've even got package deals ready and some cute ideas for packaging them in a renewable or eco friendly way.

Am I scared? You bet, but I need to do what I want to do. I have my goals written out, I have my plan in place, and I'm ready to commit myself to extra hard work to make this happen. I'm even going to be realistic and I'm going to be determined. After all, what's the worst that could happen (other than failing miserably, losing everything, and ending up living on the streets)? Yep, nothing to be scared of at all :)

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