Monday, April 9, 2012

Declutter Challenge: Week 12 & 13

I am a little behind. The past few weekends have been crazy! First, my parents came to see Hayden. Which was lots of fun and we had a blast. Then, I was in Indianapolis for a Science teaching conference. This past weekend was our anniversary and Easter! Whew!

I did get a chance to go through some of my stuff though! Since we rearranged the downstairs, we also rearranged the bookshelf. We cleared off the bottom two shelves and saved those for Hayden. So, those two shelves have his books and toys, until he pulls everything off. I decided it was time to clear out some of the books that I know I won't read again.

It isn't easy for me to get rid of books. I love to read and I just can't handle getting rid of them. However, I came up with a solution...I took the books to school! As long as it was an appropriate book for middle school students, I took it to school. They are now happily sitting in my classroom for students to read. They can read them during down time and borrow them if they check them out.

I also went through some of the stuff in my soap room and cleaned up. I found several things that I no longer need, so they took a trip to Goodwill. I still have more cleaning to do in there, but it is a start.

What about you? Have you started decluttering yet?