Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Time Rhythm

Running my business at a new job with a new baby was pretty tough. I can't lie, I seriously considered closing up shop (so to speak) and just focusing on Hayden and work (read more here). However, I decided not to and I'm glad I decided to stick with it.

Summer is here and as a teacher, I have two months off! I have already been more productive than I was last year. I don't know if it is because I have less time to work that makes me work harder, but I am getting LOTS done.

I have also fallen into a nice rhythm with Hayden. I wake up with him and feed him, I get ready while he plays in his crib. Then, we hang out until nap time and I kick it in to high gear. I work hard until he wakes up, then it is al Hayden until his afternoon nap. I get to working again. After he goes to bed, I keep working, although at a slower pace.

Sometimes I get stuff done while he's awake because he entertains himself. For example, I'm typing this on my phone while he crawls around the kitchen. I'm close at hand if he needs me, but he really just wants to explore. I also get relieved on Saturdays and get the day to do whatever I need without interruption, unless I take a break from working to enjoy my baby.

While he naps I have made soap (lots of soap), cleaned, organized my desk, done laundry, assembled a grill, done computer work , done inventories, and even started a project. I don't do anything of the sort when he's awake! I may play on my phone, but it is all about him and doing what he needs. No computer, no tv, and definitely no soap making!

It is a comfortable rhythm for us. How do you maximize your productivity and still meet your family's need?

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