Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Declutter Challenge: Week 11

I'm a little behind! This is actually from last week, but I didn't get it posted because my parents were in town to see Hayden this weekend. We had a lot of fun!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Declutter Challenge: Week 10

I don't have anything major this week. It was a long week (last week). The quarter ended at school and I'm still trying to finish the grading. We are to the painting phase on the downstairs. AND, I just can't resist playing with Hayden because his laugh makes the world better.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Declutter Challenge: Week 9

I know this one is late and it seems like I am a week behind. I'm really not, I promise.

This weekend I had my first out-of-city craft show in Aurora. It made for a really long day! I left here at 6 am to get there and start setting up by 7:30. The show was from 9-4. I was packed back up and ready to leave by 4:30, so I got home right at 6 pm. Whew! It made for a very long day, but it was worth it.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Hemp Seed Oil

By now, most people have heard about all of the benefits of the hemp plant. It can be made into really strong fibers (super-absorbent too, if you are a cloth diapering person), is naturally resistant to pests, and grows really fast. Did you know that the "seed" is good for you too?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Declutter Challenge: Week 8

I almost missed this one! It has been so long since my last one and we are doing so much rearranging, that it almost got by. BUT, it didn't. I remembered earlier today. I got rid on my one thing for this week and it really was just one thing. Not a box of related things.