Friday, July 29, 2011


We just returned from a week long vacation around Texas. I don't know if you know this, but to go anywhere in Texas, you have a long drive.

We left last Wednesday night to head to Lubbock. It is about a 9 hour drive and you have to add an hour because of the time change, so we got there around 3 am. Why did we leave so late? Simple...Hayden. He sleeps all night anyway, so he doesn't fuss about being in the car seat that long. We got to Lubbock and spent the day relaxing and visiting family. On Friday we went to see Harry Potter because Grammy T was getting to spend the day with her grandchildren. Around 2, we headed to Gatesville for the Walls Family Reunion; another 5 hour drive.

We had a great weekend visiting family! Hayden had a great time racing around the concrete floor and was positively filthy by the end of the day Saturday. Sunday was breakfast, clean up, good-byes, and another drive to Dallas. Although, this one was only 3 hrs! We didn't stay long in Dallas, which I would have enjoyed because I have a lot of friends there that I don't get to see very often. Early Tuesday morning we headed back to Lubbock on another 5 hour drive. We had planned to stay in Lubbock and rest, but really wanted to get home. So, we had dinner with my parents, I napped, and we hit the road around 10:30 TX time. We took turns driving and arrived at about 6 am in Colorado Springs. Just in time for Hayden to wake up.

I had a wonderful time, but 100+ heat just didn't agree with us (although we did have a/c the whole time). I miss my family terribly and would love to see them more often, but having an infant changes everything about traveling. Trips take a lot longer because we have to stop for him more often. We can't just grab food and go, we have to stop and feed him. Then, you have to consider how much more stuff you need. You can't go anywhere without his toys. We have to pack a food bag just for him with his formula, bottles, bowls, spoons, some baby food, and snacks. He is getting older and can eat more of a variety, but is still limited. Don't forget the big box of diapers (cloth diapers are not so great when traveling without access to a washing machine). We have to take his seat to feed him because he will not stay still otherwise. And of course, we have to take his pack n' play because he needs a place to sleep and nap safely.

I love my family and wish Hayden could see them more often, but this may be the last trip we take until Christmas!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Not A Winner

Well, the Supermompreneur has been chosen by Volusion and it wasn't me :( You can read my entry here.
This little guy thinks I'm an AMAZING mompreneur!

When the winners were first announced, my reaction was "Of course I didn't win, I never win anything!" Seriously, could I be anymore negative and self-pitying? Probably, but that's not the point.

No, I didn't win. There were 171 applicants and only 4 winners. So that means that 167 other women didn't win either, so I'm not alone there. Plus, if we're being honest, there are A LOT of amazing women out there that run a business and make great mommies. I can't imagine trying to pick just of them from all the applicants.

So, I didn't win, but here is something I know for sure...If I hadn't entered, I definitely would not have won. So, thank you to everyone who took the time to go read my story and like me and I'll just keep trying.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Family Reunion!

I'm very excited, my family reunion is this next weekend in Gatesville, TX! I love my family reunions, we have so much fun talking and eating. It is always relaxing to get away and just know that there really isn't a whole heck of a lot to get done!

We always have an auction to help pay for next year's reunion. Everyone brings stuff that they make and we all throw out ridiculous bids to get it. Sometimes the fights over who gets what can be the best part of the weekend :)

This year will be different for several reasons. Motch and Uncle Hack are no longer with us. They will be missed by everyone and I don't know what we'll do without them there to irritate each other. One year Motch brought in the family crest she had and hovered over it protectively, just in case someone tried to make off with it. Uncle Hack amused himself (and a few others) by trying to run (walk quickly because he couldn't run) up and snatch it before she could stop him. He kept coming back empty handed saying that she was on to him. Nobody could give a glare like my Motchie and she let Uncle Hack have it :)

On the other hand, Hayden and the still developing Rhylee will be joining us. Hayden will be quite the handful and luckily we'll have family helping to wrangle him. He is now trying to climb everything (including the dog) and everything still goes in his mouth. Rhylee will be far easier to care for (at least for the next 1 weeks)!

We are leaving Wednesday night to head to Texas! I can't wait to see all the Walls'!

What is your favorite part of your family reunion?

Friday, July 15, 2011


I'm at camp right now in Las Vegas, NM. I've been coming to Camp Monakiwa since I was in the 7th grade and I still enjoy coming. I don't get to do as much this year because I have Hayden with me. I enjoy seeing some of the same people each year, but I do wish that we could get more new people. Camp is struggling, but I keep hoping that we can pull through. I want Hayden to get to enjoy coming someday too.

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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Favorite Mommy Moments (so far)

#10-The first time he giggled in his sleep while I was holding him. It was so cute and so sweet, I thought I would just die.

#9-The way his eyes used to roll back when he started eating, like it was just the best thing ever.

#8-The first time he got excited to see me when I went to pick him up from daycare.

#7-That I can tell when he is done eating because he burps and grins at me.

#6-When he is upset and reaches for me because he needs his mommy.

#5-Watching him stare at something and suddenly get it to work right (doors being the most recent).

#4-The first time he crawled up the stairs, he turned his head to look at me and smile as if to say "wow, look what I just did."

#3-How he has started following me. If I walk out of the room, he'll start heading my direction.

#2-The way he smiles for me every morning when I go in to get him.

#1-Every smile and every laugh that goes straight to my heart.