Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Time Again!

One of the reasons I love fall is because I love pumpkins! There is so much you can do with a pumpkin and they just look fun.

What do I do with pumpkins? Let me see. I make pumpkin puree which gets used in soap, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, and pumpkin face masks. I have enough left over in the freezer, it will probably get fed to Hayden when he is older. I roast the seeds. Oh, I love pumpkin seeds, they are so delicious and easy to make. I also love how you can make them any flavor you want, although plain salted is my favorite. Of course, we can't forget that age old tradition of carving pumpkins!
My Honu Pumpkin!
This year I got two pie pumpkins from the farmer's market I participated in. They were perfect! I have so much puree from them (read about making your own here), I don't think I'll have a shortage this next year. We got our carving pumpkins from a local farm that has a petting zoo, pony rides, and other activities for kids. Hayden was much too small to enjoy any of that, but we had fun and we got some cute pictures of him with the pumpkins.

My favorite pumpkin
What do you like to do with pumpkins? Do you have a special recipe that you use?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Soap and Baby

So, I knew that it would be hard to get much done with a newborn, I just wasn't prepared for how often he would need something. At first it was pretty much constant. By the time I got done feeding him and changing him, he'd take a 30 min nap and want to eat again. At about 4 weeks, we got into a pretty good schedule. I'd feed him, we'd play until he got fussy, then he'd go down for a nap and I'd feed him every 3 hours. It is still working, although he's playing longer and sleeping less.

Little Hayden
Considering how often I was taking care of him, I didn't think I would get anything done, but I figured out a system for my soapmaking. Right after he goes to sleep I get started. I make my lye first, since that takes so long to cool. Then I melt my oils, line my mold, and get all my extras ready. He usually starts waking before I'm finished with this, but his pacifier keeps him happy until dinner time. Then, I take a break and feed him. When he goes back to sleep I finish making the soap and clean up. I usually finish just in time for him to eat again. So, it is taking longer to finish a batch of soap, but I'm glad I get to do it. I love caring for Hayden, but getting to make soap is a welcome change to the day. I haven't tried making any balms yet, but we'll get to it.
Chocolate Mint Milk Soap

My first craft show is November 12th, so I'd better get busy. The rest of my soaps will be made in my crock pot, but they'll be wonderful just the same.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Last month a hardware store was selling some awesome shelves for half the price. I bought one set to help organize my workroom and after I got them together, I loved them so much, I went and bought another set. I got my workroom organized and it is so much easier to find the stuff I need. I have all of my containers together on one shelf. On the other, I put my products, molds, and other odds and ends.

Of course, I did this all before little Hayden got here. In fact I finished it the day before he was born! I'm glad I got it done then because I surely wouldn't have gotten it done after he came. I have recently managed to make two batches of soap though.

So, that's one more thing off my list!